Friday, March 6, 2009

How to Get Good Student Loan Information

Because of the price of a college education continually going up many students find themselves turning to student loans to help assist them in paying their fees. As a result there is student loan information floating around nearly everywhere and more loan companies popping up. The key is to find information that is reliable and trustworthy.

One of the first places many people first go when looking for student loan information is online. This is a great place to start your search for the perfect student loan. In many cases you can complete the total loan process online. The thing to remember about student loan information online is that not all websites are credible.

Many are just out to make a quick buck so be sure to check things out with the Better Business Bureau online to get information on the loan companies you're inquiring about. Another good idea is to just use government sites as you can feel comfortable knowing that they are legitimate.

A site to start with is the National Student Loan Data System for Students ( This is the U.S. Department of Education's central database of loan information for students.

Additionally if you don't feel comfortable going online to do your search for student loans another way to get good student loan information is to speak with a financial aid representative at the college of your choice.

This is an excellent option because they can help you get the specific information you need for the school that you plan on attending. When looking for trustworthy information on student loans it pays off in the long run to be cautious with who you're dealing with and go with well established companies you can trust.

Learn more about how to get great student loan information , including info on getting scholarships, at the student loan consolidation money site.

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Education Student Loan Consolidation

College loans are a great source of financial aid for students who need help paying for their education. Unfortunately, students often leave college with large debt. In addition, they often have several loans from different lenders, meaning they are writing more than one loan repayment check each month. The solution to this problem is education student loan consolidation.

Education student loan consolidation means bundling all your student loans into a single loan with one lender and one repayment plan. You can think of loan consolidation as similar to refinancing a home mortgage. When you consolidate your school loans, the balances of your existing student loans are paid off, with the total balance rolling over into one consolidated loan. The end result is that you have only one college loan to pay on.

Education student loan consolidation offers numerous benefits:

* Combines your school loan payments into one monthly bill.
* Lowers your monthly debt payment.
* Locks in a fixed, usually lower, interest rate for the term of your loan.
* Flexible repayment options and no fees, charges, or prepayment penalties.
* No credit checks or co-signers required.

You should consider consolidating your loans if the student loan consolidation would have a lower interest rate than your current loans, particularly if you are having difficulty making you monthly payments. However, if you are near to paying off your existing loans, consolidation may not be worth it. The savings generated by consolidating college loans depend on what interest rate you get and whether you decide to extend your repayment plan. According to Sallie Mae, the leading provider of school loans in the US, consolidating student loans can reduce monthly payments by up to 50 percent.

Learn more about education student loan consolidation by visiting

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Student Loan Debt Consolidation and How it Benefits You

Graduating from college is a huge accomplishment. Finally after all of those classes, tests, papers, and lectures you've made it through. Life is great, right? Well, sometimes it depends on how much debt you've incurred during those years.

In today's economy with living expenses constantly increasing student loans have become a necessity for most of us in order finance our college education. However, don't fret too much there are solutions and student loan debt consolidation can be one of them.

There are lots of great benefits when it comes to student loan debt consolidation and one of them is that by consolidating your student loans instead of making several monthly payments you only have to focus on one.

This way you're able to save money while paying off your debt at the same time. Additionally, federal student loans are tax deductible which is a great benefit when the time comes to file your income taxes. Make sure to let your accountant know that you're paying back a federal student loan and they'll take it from there.

If you're one of those people who feel more comfortable knowing exactly what your monthly student loan payment will be then federal student loan debt consolidation could be perfect for you. With federal student loan consolidations, there is a fixed interest rate which is capped at 8.25%. So if you decide to go the consolidation route with federal student loans while you won't be able to benefit from adjustable interest rates which may drop, you will have peace of mind in knowing that your rates will never go above 8.25%.

Student loans may sometimes become a necessity but you can use consolidation to manage them.

Learn more about student loan debt consolidation at the student loan consolidation money site.

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